+ [2017-02-19T08:26:31Z] dRealm When a pull request gets merged upstream ("the base repo" or "the base fork"), is that a new commit into the base repo?
+ [2017-02-19T08:28:44Z] dRealm The message on github says, "sama merged commit 9e09605 into <gh_username>:master"
+ [2017-02-19T08:30:00Z] dRealm I've checked my commit log, and there is not a commit # that begins with (or contains the substring) 9e09605
+ [2017-02-19T10:03:45Z] dRealm When a PR is sent to the base repo (upstream), does the person reviewing the PR have the choice of merging in a specific commit on the PR branch?
+ [2017-02-19T10:05:10Z] dRealm This might be obvious, but I am not sure.

message no. 164003

Posted by Geraden in #github at 2017-02-19T03:53:08Z

hey everyone. I have a pull request open for a project and over time and with some discussion from the project authors, some changes have been added and others removed. How does Github deal with me rebasing my forked master branch (where the pull request is from) in order to clean this up again into a tidy set of commits to be merged?
+ [2017-02-20T02:00:43Z] sz0 how can i find a pull request by only having head ref?
+ [2017-02-20T07:05:31Z] raedah is there any way to get a black background on github?
+ [2017-02-20T07:06:21Z] Seveas_ sz0: compare the sha1 with what git ls-remote origin refs/pull/*/head gives you
+ [2017-02-20T07:06:42Z] Seveas_ (assuming 'origin' is the repo the PR's are in)
+ [2017-02-20T17:00:32Z] sz0 Seveas: thanks for the reply. i have ended up using search and pull request api endpoints