+[2017-03-04T22:25:02Z]wpbronedbat: ok, but if someone resets git hard + that cleaner flag, the directories/extra repos would be wiped, right? +[2017-03-04T22:25:52Z]nedbatwpbro: i don't know what that cleaner flag is. the extra dirs would also be wiped if they typed " rm -rf . " which is why I recommend they don't type that :) +[2017-03-04T22:29:21Z]nedbatwpbro: i don't see a dangerous flag like that on the reset command. +[2017-03-04T22:31:54Z]wpbrook +[2017-03-04T23:08:55Z]ThiefMasteri think people use `git clean` very rarely
cat jumped up and decided to try to talk to you guys while I was out of the room
+[2017-03-05T00:30:07Z]ericnoancan I get the total number of open issues with the github API? i know i can get every issue and count them, but that's kinda overkill +[2017-03-05T11:24:42Z]twidiericnoan: on the main api entry point for a repository ( https://api.github.com/repos/user/repository ) you have the key `open_issues_count` +[2017-03-05T11:25:35Z]ericnoanyes, but that also includes the open pull requests. i figure i need to count which issues have the "pull_request" value and subtract them from the count +[2017-03-05T11:26:49Z]ericnoananyways, im also interested in getting the number of commits to a repo, but so far I can't see a simple way to get it, i'd need to use the "/repos/:owner/:repo/stats/contributors" endpoint, and add all the contributers commit count together +[2017-03-05T11:27:04Z]ericnoanis that the only way to get the number of commits?