+ [8 years ago] IronFire tobiasvl: ahh, thx! its a binary, should i make a .gitignore in the submodule to ignore it?
+ [8 years ago] tobiasvl IronFire: yeah, probably, if you want to ignore it! of course, adding a .gitignore will also make the submodule dirty, so then you should probably stage and commit the .gitignore file
+ [8 years ago] IronFire tobiasvl: ok just finished, thx soo much, been stuck on that for hrs
+ [8 years ago] lingo can i use another persons repo as a submodule in mine?
+ [8 years ago] Seveas yes, you can

message no. 165991

Posted by IronFire in #github at 2017-03-19T11:46:44Z

tobiasvl: it says unstaged, i cant stage it
+ [8 years ago] Cxcf hey guys, I'm having trouble understanding the relationship between branches workflow. As far as I'm aware, its a good idea to make a 'dev' branch, then make feature branches, then as the features are completed, merged to dev, which is then merged to master. Is that correct?
+ [8 years ago] gitinfo Cxcf: [!gitflow] The description of the gitflow branch workflow model is at http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ while a tool to help implement this workflow is at https://github.com/petervanderdoes/gitflow See http://sethrobertson.github.com/GitBestPractices/#workflow for other workflow suggestions/references
+ [8 years ago] gitinfo Cxcf: Finding the right workflow for you is critical for the success of any SCM project. Git is very flexible with respect to workflow. See http://sethrobertson.github.com/GitBestPractices/#workflow for a list of references about choosing branching and distributed workflows.