+ [2014-01-13T14:11:28Z] allu2 Ok fixed it, required running sudo bundle install with 1.9.1 ruby on and then manually installing all the stuff it threw error about
+ [2014-01-13T14:43:33Z] allu2 Is there some "right way" to add pages to the navigation bar? or just editing source/_includes/custom/navigation.html straight?
+ [2014-01-13T15:10:11Z] Darryl allu2, What Os are you running?
+ [2014-01-13T15:10:54Z] Darryl Oh sorry you fixted your issue took some time to figure that out :)
+ [2014-01-13T15:42:19Z] allu2 ^^

message no. 16636

Posted by Darryl in #octopress at 2014-01-13T15:10:54Z

Oh sorry you fixted your issue took some time to figure that out :)
+ [2014-01-15T04:13:49Z] pfenwick Total n00b question, and apologies if I missed this in a well-documented place... I have an existing site of 600+ pages in jekyll, how easy/hard is it to move to octopress?
+ [2014-01-15T04:39:30Z] pontiki pfenwick: the posts and stuff is the same
+ [2014-01-15T04:39:51Z] pontiki OP is just jekyll under the hood
+ [2014-01-15T04:40:22Z] pfenwick pontiki: Cool. So my existing _layouts, _includes, and possibly _plugins will continue to work?
+ [2014-01-15T04:40:42Z] pontiki you'll need to move the plugins to the OP plugins directory