+ [2017-03-26T20:06:41Z] mydog2 hey guys.. real basic/simple question.. i copied a pub repository from github to local.. i created a github acct. i then inserted the local repos into the remote acct i created.. i now have a repos for the user.. (it still has the orig user's name, etc)..
+ [2017-03-26T20:07:54Z] mydog2 i then tried to modify the README.md file.. on the local side.. and then did a git commit -a -- i edited the commit file.. git said the commit completed.. however, the README.md on the remote is not changed...
+ [2017-03-26T20:09:33Z] kbs this is more how git works I guess, but since you're always working with a "local" copy, and you have to explicitly sync your local changes to somewhere else. (take a look at git push)
+ [2017-03-26T20:12:03Z] mydog2 i did a git push as well
+ [2017-03-26T20:15:16Z] kbs maybe helpful then to show output of commands run, etc - dunno

message no. 166507

Posted by kbs in #github at 2017-03-26T20:15:16Z

maybe helpful then to show output of commands run, etc - dunno
+ [2017-03-27T07:05:14Z] dvim I was wondering if there was some discussions around the githubs "requested changes" icon? It is currently a red cross, which looks like a big "denied" sign. IMHO it looks a bit too harsh. :)
+ [2017-03-27T09:16:31Z] Rovanion Is it possible to get a message/HTTP-request from github when a new commit is pushed to a repository I don't own.
+ [2017-03-27T09:17:03Z] Rovanion For example if I want to rerun some tests/benchmarks when a new commit is pushed against master on one of my dependencies?
+ [2017-03-27T09:38:57Z] Rovanion Or is it easiest to simply fetch head from the git repo on a regular basis?
+ [2017-03-27T12:13:53Z] leshaste is it possible to get github to email you when someone pushes?