latest 20 messages by Rovanion

+ [2017-03-27T09:38:57Z] Rovanion Or is it easiest to simply fetch head from the git repo on a regular basis?
+ [2017-03-27T09:17:03Z] Rovanion For example if I want to rerun some tests/benchmarks when a new commit is pushed against master on one of my dependencies?
+ [2017-03-27T09:16:31Z] Rovanion Is it possible to get a message/HTTP-request from github when a new commit is pushed to a repository I don't own.
+ [2015-03-23T15:20:25Z] Rovanion It seems like a quite standard scenario for like a image gallery.
+ [2015-03-23T15:17:47Z] Rovanion jaybe: But files that don't contain a frontmatter are still copied to the _site directory. What I want is to be able to loop over such files.
+ [2015-03-23T14:49:40Z] Rovanion Or will jekyll still list it in the collection, just not modify it?
+ [2015-03-23T14:48:47Z] Rovanion jaybe: If no YAML Front Matter is provided, Jekyll will not generate the file in your collection. - I'm afraid the collections won't help me.
+ [2015-03-23T14:45:03Z] Rovanion Having issues googling for this one: Can I make a for loop over all files in folder minutes, containing pdf:s, just like I do a for loop over all posts?
+ [2015-02-03T14:12:09Z] Rovanion But it was a good idea.
+ [2015-02-03T14:12:04Z] Rovanion jaybe: That outputs the {:toc} of header.html and not that of {{ content }} I'm afraid.
+ [2015-02-03T14:11:00Z] Rovanion Yes, I want it to be placed in another part of the document, one which is outside of {{ content }}, in a previous _include called header.html which contains the navigation for the site.
+ [2015-02-03T14:08:04Z] Rovanion So I want to place hash links to the headers of the page into a menu.
+ [2015-02-03T14:07:08Z] Rovanion I want the kramdown toc in the menu of the site. Is it possible to do so when the menu is a separate file from the content?
+ [2015-02-03T14:04:54Z] Rovanion Won't anyone have mercy on this poor little question on SO: It's bounty expires today.
+ [2015-01-29T22:19:58Z] Rovanion If anyone feels like cracking a hard nut I'll reward you 50 rep on Stack Overflow:
+ [2014-12-24T00:46:22Z] Rovanion jaybe: I'm sorry to ask such a simple thing but I could only find docs on using existing variables in jekyll, and there's also the interaction between Kramdown and Jekyll. So would I add {% variable = {:toc} %} in every document where I want the toc in the menu?.
+ [2014-12-23T21:26:09Z] Rovanion So I would get the toc for the menu, not the content.
+ [2014-12-23T21:26:00Z] Rovanion jaybe: The problem I got then was that the TOC was for the {{ include }} and not the {{ content }}.
+ [2014-12-23T21:03:12Z] Rovanion Is there anyone who knows how to place the table of contents for a page somewhere else than in the {{ content }} ?
+ [2014-12-22T22:37:40Z] Rovanion I posted a SO-question for my question about generating a toc for hash navigation in an _include: