+ [2017-04-01T17:49:25Z] gitinfo There are several good books available about git; 'Pro Git' is probably the best: http://git-scm.com/book but also look at !bottomup !cs !gcs !designers !gitt !vcbe and !parable
+ [2017-04-01T21:24:32Z] akk In the issues editor, how do I make something NOT code? I marked a little section in the middle of my reply as code, but it formatted everything from there to the end as code.
+ [2017-04-01T21:26:28Z] akk Ah, found the markdown ```. But there doesn't seem to be any way to do it through the UI.
+ [2017-04-01T23:42:18Z] Guest14619 I have a git repo, and within it there is a subfolder that was a cloned repo from elsewhere. I want to include this sub-repo inside the main repo. I've tried deleting the .git folder from within the subfolder, but when I git add -A it doesn't include it. Any ideas?

message no. 167019

Posted by akk in #github at 2017-04-01T21:24:32Z

In the issues editor, how do I make something NOT code? I marked a little section in the middle of my reply as code, but it formatted everything from there to the end as code.
+ [2017-04-02T00:57:16Z] kaiser hello! im very new to github and i would like to push something but i cant for some reason.
+ [2017-04-02T00:57:19Z] kaiser my error is
+ [2017-04-02T00:57:30Z] kaiser fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com:SamuelGogarty/freebsd_modern/': Illegal port number
+ [2017-04-02T00:57:46Z] kaiser my command is
+ [2017-04-02T00:57:57Z] kaiser git push -u origin gh-pages