latest 17 messages by akk

+ [2017-04-01T21:26:28Z] akk Ah, found the markdown ```. But there doesn't seem to be any way to do it through the UI.
+ [2017-04-01T21:24:32Z] akk In the issues editor, how do I make something NOT code? I marked a little section in the middle of my reply as code, but it formatted everything from there to the end as code.
+ [2016-09-14T16:06:55Z] akk I expect they'll always be on the same filesystem.
+ [2016-09-14T16:06:45Z] akk A hardlink seems to work fine. Good idea, thanks.
+ [2016-09-14T16:05:17Z] akk Yep, a symlink just stores the path it's linked to, no help to anyone outside my local machine.
+ [2016-09-14T16:01:19Z] akk I was under the impression (maybe wrong) that git would treat a symlink as a symlink, not use its contents, but I'll try it.
+ [2016-09-14T16:00:48Z] akk A hard link is a good point, that should work if a symlink doesn't.
+ [2016-09-14T16:00:17Z] akk (I already have symlinks to places like ~/bin and ~/.../plug-ins where I'm actually using the files.
+ [2016-09-14T15:59:56Z] akk The point is to have the new file show up in both public github repos.
+ [2016-09-14T15:59:42Z] akk Would the second repo (the one with the symlink) then check in the changed contents of the file, not just a symlink?
+ [2016-09-14T15:58:43Z] akk jadew: With a commit hook of some sort?
+ [2016-09-14T15:56:13Z] akk Okay, thanks, I guess at least that saves me from wasting time looking for one.
+ [2016-09-14T15:54:46Z] akk Hi -- I have a script in a github repository that also belongs in another repo. Is there any way to mirror a single file from one repo to another?
+ [2015-08-10T16:50:30Z] akk Failing that, if someone has a repo forked from one I control, can I merge the changes from their repo without a pull request?
+ [2015-08-10T16:42:09Z] akk Can the github mac app do pull requests? (I don't have a mac, so I can't try it myself, and the docs don't mention it.)
+ [2015-08-10T16:40:33Z] akk I'm looking through but I wonder if there are any docs that cover pull requests, or pushing to a shared repo?
+ [2015-08-10T16:40:07Z] akk Hi -- I'm trying to find a simple guide for non-techie Mac users to contribute to a project.