+ [2017-05-04T22:28:14Z] daniel_ this is what I have atm: https://pastebin.com/R55dSYiS
+ [2017-05-04T22:28:15Z] jekyllrb Title: collections: gallery: defaults: - scope: path: "some-album" t - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com)
+ [2017-05-04T22:28:54Z] daniel_ However, I get: "Defaults: An invalid front-matter default set was found"
+ [2017-05-04T22:28:56Z] daniel_ Any advice?
+ [2017-05-04T22:59:00Z] daniel_ is there any way I can build a collection from a directory tree/hierachy ??

message no. 168109

Posted by fusion809 in #jekyll at 2017-05-04T05:49:58Z

Rofl, I gitignored svgs that why that error occurred. Thanks. I can't believe I made such a careless error.
+ [2017-05-05T00:42:06Z] realies seeing some weird css loading animation when reloading a jekyll blog
+ [2017-05-05T00:42:24Z] realies any ideas how to make it preload the css before loading the rest of the elements?
+ [2017-05-05T00:54:22Z] realies i'm seeing this on firefox and safari, try reload the page a few times http://elma2017-program.com/
+ [2017-05-05T00:54:23Z] jekyllrb Title: ELMA 2017 - Program | Post for the elma 2017 event. (at elma2017-program.com)
+ [2017-05-05T09:04:57Z] ward I'm not seeing anything special, realies