latest 20 messages by fusion809

+ [2017-05-04T05:50:20Z] fusion809 Running Jekyll locally didn't show that probably cause I had the svgs locally
+ [2017-05-04T05:49:58Z] fusion809 Rofl, I gitignored svgs that why that error occurred. Thanks. I can't believe I made such a careless error.
+ [2017-05-04T05:36:31Z] fusion809 oops no that link was at StackOverflow, but still
+ [2017-05-04T05:32:38Z] fusion809 and both files exist!
+ [2017-05-04T05:32:36Z] fusion809 Unix & Linux SE `ls -lR | grep "^l"` from this source repository and it returned no results! The file it is complaining about is There are only two pages included in it Layouts/header2.html ( and Layouts/footer2.html (
+ [2017-05-04T05:32:35Z] fusion809 Hey folks I'm getting a build error on GitHub pages that doesn't occur locally. It says "A file was included in `/_layouts/default2.html` that is a symlink or does not exist in your `_includes` directory. For more information, see" There are no symlinks in my source repo ( I've even run the command I got from
+ [2017-05-01T12:41:12Z] fusion809 Also tried {{ include.package1array.last }} but it too fails
+ [2017-05-01T12:36:34Z] fusion809 HTML file in which I need to extract b from package1 and using {{ include.package1array.second }} whenever I needed b. Unfortunately {{ include.package1array.second }} is being rendered as nothing
+ [2017-05-01T12:36:33Z] fusion809 Hey I have a Liquid variable called package1 that takes the form a/b (e.g., a could be games-rpg and b could be runescape-launcher and then package1 would be games-rpg/runescape-launcher) now using Liquid how would I get b out of package1 and be able to use b in Liquid expressions? I have tried, based on adding {% assign package1array = package1 | split: "/" %} to the start of the
+ [2016-04-24T21:57:08Z] fusion809 Ah, I figured it out. Thanks, just didn't quite follow how to pass captured content to the include tag
+ [2016-04-24T21:55:43Z] fusion809 Yep that Layouts/column file is relative to the _includes directory. See
+ [2016-04-24T21:53:26Z] fusion809 miklb: Thanks, though I don't see how that tells me how to pass captured content to my include tag. I've created gists to help clarify what I mean. This is where I am trying to pass a capture to an include tag ( while here is Layouts/column.html as it is referred to in this gist (
+ [2016-04-24T21:47:43Z] fusion809 I have, if the documentation is (which hardly even mentions the include tag)
+ [2016-04-24T21:44:15Z] fusion809 Hi folks, how do ya pass the contents of a capture to a Liquid {% include %} tag as an input? For example, I am using: {% capture list %}...{% endcapture %} where ... is my list and I want to pass it to {% include Layouts/column.html %} as the input "content"
+ [2016-03-07T03:57:25Z] fusion809 Hi folks, I would like to load a custom font on my site. This font is available as ttf format, and I was wondering how I could get it loaded on my site. Like I can install the font locally, but I'm not sure how to install it such that my Jekyll site also has access to it.
+ [2015-11-30T16:13:22Z] fusion809 Oh, so there's no way I can?
+ [2015-11-30T16:12:08Z] fusion809 Hey jaybe, I have another question for ya ( How do I remove the date from a post's markdown file name.