+[2017-05-10T17:04:38Z]jekyllrbThe operation succeeded. +[2017-05-10T17:04:38Z]jaybe./learn license is https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/blob/master/LICENSE +[2017-05-10T17:07:28Z]juanonymousAh so it's ok to sell MIT licensing but authors will not be liable for any damages. +[2017-05-10T17:08:01Z]jaybethat link is the current licensing +[2017-05-10T17:11:35Z]juanonymousI mean sell what you can do with it. Ok, thanks again.
+[2017-05-11T10:09:00Z]radek024hello +[2017-05-11T10:09:08Z]radek024is there anyone? +[2017-05-11T10:18:11Z]radek024well, i guess that i will wait there for any responses like to 'jekyll serve' execute +[2017-05-11T10:29:56Z]onlinedbugi'm here +[2017-05-11T10:30:03Z]onlinedbugnot sure I can help though