+ [2017-05-12T16:39:01Z] nobv im on win 10
+ [2017-05-12T16:50:05Z] NanoSector hey, can you ask questions about the desktop app here? if so, the desktop app doesn't ask for a 2FA code here; is this a bug? (I know you can just pour an app specific password in there, but still)
+ [2017-05-12T16:59:29Z] Aven how is a person expected to read docs in XML?
+ [2017-05-12T16:59:31Z] Aven like this one https://github.com/devstopfix/cb2java/blob/master/doc/data.xml
+ [2017-05-12T17:19:12Z] nobv Aven: http://codebeautify.org/xmlviewer

message no. 168690

Posted by acidvegas in #github at 2017-05-12T00:17:31Z

if i change my git config emil to @users.noreply.github.com
+ [2017-05-13T01:09:53Z] dmtucker is there a way to disallow pushes from anyone (including owners) that arent initiated by a merged PR?
+ [2017-05-13T08:05:18Z] davisonio dmtucker: no, owners will have full push access so will be able to commit ( unless you use some third party software)
+ [2017-05-13T13:24:35Z] rom1504 anyone know how to make github pages not change http to https in ajax calls ?
+ [2017-05-13T15:09:25Z] vampi-the-frog hi guys. is there a way to write math in markdown? I'm trying to add a simple fraction.
+ [2017-05-13T15:09:41Z] vampi-the-frog would it be supported by the github web interface, and displayed properly?