+ [2017-05-16T14:56:23Z] LeBlaaanc What's the etiquette for merging in changes from someone who forked your repo?
+ [2017-05-16T15:08:04Z] Plorntus I have pulled in changes from another branch, now that branch has been merged into master, is there a way of getting rid of the commits from my branch in the PR as if I worked on the master when creating my feature?
+ [2017-05-16T18:04:31Z] Rapture github having any issues sending out invites for new members?
+ [2017-05-16T18:04:37Z] Rapture trying to add someone but no emails :(
+ [2017-05-16T18:09:24Z] Rapture hmm nvm, tried it with email and worked. usernames don't seem to be working eventhough it finds the username when I start typing it

message no. 169010

Posted by Remramm in #github at 2017-05-16T01:10:31Z

I found that going in deep and understanding how the whole thing is put together actually saved me a lot of time
+ [2017-05-18T06:29:15Z] System42 Any GitHub staff monitor this? I found a bot crawling repos and opening hundreds of PRs
+ [2017-05-18T06:46:39Z] Motoko System42 I think some do, but the usual contact channels on the site might get a faster response.
+ [2017-05-18T06:48:08Z] System42 Motoko, I've reported the user involved, but the number of PRs is growing by the minute.
+ [2017-05-18T06:48:46Z] Motoko Via https://github.com/contact/report-abuse ?
+ [2017-05-18T06:50:26Z] Motoko They're usually somewhat good at responding on that and they can clean up things messed up by the user internally.