+[2017-05-30T19:15:09Z]sillysluxi can edit files online https://help.github.com/articles/editing-files-in-your-repository/ +[2017-05-30T19:15:22Z]sillysluxcreating new files online isn't possible? +[2017-05-30T19:55:07Z]tpayneAnyone know how i can make a hotfix from a released tagged commit, and then create a hotfix without actually having to make it twice on HEAD +[2017-05-30T19:55:09Z]tpaynethe change that is +[2017-05-30T19:57:59Z]tpaynei'll just follow this: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
i'll just follow this: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
+[2017-06-02T22:39:24Z]SkullTechSuppose I have a project repo named github-project and I want to publish it's docs using github pages. The default URL for that would be username.github.io/github-project. But can I make it username.github.io/projects/github-project instead? +[2017-06-02T23:00:17Z]preactionSkullTech: short answer: no +[2017-06-02T23:11:45Z]guenstig_werbenSkullTech preaction: well yes, i don't see a reason why not +[2017-06-02T23:12:27Z]preactionguenstig_werben: that's not where github pages will put them +[2017-06-02T23:12:34Z]guenstig_werbenNo