+ [2017-06-04T22:43:57Z] jeaye My site.url is https://mysite.com and my site.baseurl is empty. When I build locally, all is good. When I build on Pages, the second mysite.com is now being added, which is exactly what baseurl does.
+ [2017-06-04T22:44:42Z] jeaye It seems like Pages is expecting site.url to be https://jeaye.github.io and site.baseurl to be mysite.com, since that's my repo name, and it's forcing it. That's breaking my custom domain setup.
+ [2017-06-04T22:46:07Z] jeaye I've just verified, by printing site.baseurl when building locally, and then pushing to Pages. It's forcing my site.baseurl to "/blog.jeaye.com" :|
+ [2017-06-05T05:46:10Z] localhorse does github use ignore-space-at-eol when showing diff?

message no. 169394

Posted by acidvegas in #github at 2017-06-05T01:45:17Z

+ [2017-06-10T06:16:39Z] B4S1L3 Does anyone have experience with Jekyll / github pages ? I'd like to know how to put anchors in md files, e.g for # ## ### titles
+ [2017-06-10T06:18:16Z] B4S1L3 like done in md files for normal redmes or in wikis
+ [2017-06-10T06:18:26Z] B4S1L3 *readmes
+ [2017-06-10T06:20:21Z] B4S1L3 https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/issues/2690