+ [2017-06-12T18:56:51Z] Zweisamkeit_ Ok, it works, thank you. I'm so tired that i can't debug a readme, i think i have to go to bed :)
+ [2017-06-12T23:35:16Z] Joric can't google it out, is it possible to change Project Page subdirectory? i mean using custom address https://user.github.io/yyy for project xxx without renaming the project to yyy?
+ [2017-06-12T23:44:54Z] ThiefMaster but you could just create an yyy repo and use some custom script triggered by a webhook to keep the repos in sync
+ [2017-06-12T23:45:11Z] Joric thanks

message no. 169505

Posted by Zweisamkeit_ in #github at 2017-06-12T18:54:35Z

I mean here: https://github.com/zweisamkeit/RSHack/blob/master/readme.md in the end of the readme
+ [2017-06-13T01:33:16Z] habeangur Hi, when I want to upload a file to any github repo, it says "something went really wrong and we can't process that file"
+ [2017-06-13T05:10:48Z] ephemera_ habeangur: I think it is browser issue. Do you use firefox?
+ [2017-06-13T05:12:28Z] ephemera_ If so, upload with another browser
+ [2017-06-13T09:01:35Z] Al_nz1 what does "Unregistered VCS root detected actually mean?
+ [2017-06-13T09:01:51Z] Al_nz1 what is a VCS root and what are the implications of being unregistered