latest 7 messages by Zweisamkeit_

+ [2017-06-12T18:56:51Z] Zweisamkeit_ Ok, it works, thank you. I'm so tired that i can't debug a readme, i think i have to go to bed :)
+ [2017-06-12T18:55:15Z] Zweisamkeit_ Oh I think the problem is the « * » before the [, i'll try right now
+ [2017-06-12T18:54:35Z] Zweisamkeit_ I mean here: in the end of the readme
+ [2017-06-12T18:54:19Z] Zweisamkeit_ You can see the syntax here: 20:49:45 +Geluchat | cest honteux ce que je fais sur la heap fmt │ cheyburashka
+ [2017-06-12T18:53:31Z] Zweisamkeit_ Hi there! I'm working on my readme using markdown, and I have some trouble. I'm trying to introduce a link, but it does not work. the syntax i'm using is: [example](]. Can you help me?