+[2017-06-18T15:12:15Z]kleinwebybmbouter: https://github.com/pulls?utf8=✓&q=org%3Apulp ? +[2017-06-18T15:33:04Z]bmbouterkleinweby: that is it! +[2017-06-18T15:33:06Z]bmbouterbookmarks it +[2017-06-18T15:33:08Z]bmbouterthank you +[2017-06-18T15:33:11Z]bmbouterkleinweby++
I know this is possible but I remember the url was not intuative
+[2017-06-19T13:07:55Z]ertes-whi… the github terms and conditions state that i may only create a single account for myself… so is it against the ToCs to have separate private and work accounts? +[2017-06-19T13:20:54Z]tobiasvlit would seem so, but ask !sgc to be sure +[2017-06-19T13:20:54Z]gitinfoFor bug reports, feature requests, suggestions for improvement, or specific problems with an individual repo (or gist, etc.), please contact support via support@github.com or https://github.com/support - support tries to answer all questions within 24 hours, including weekends and holidays. +[2017-06-19T13:21:06Z]tobiasvlwhy do you need separate accounts anyway? +[2017-06-19T13:29:19Z]oxymoron93ertes-w ^