+[2017-06-19T13:37:40Z]ertes-wtobiasvl: both directions actually: i want neither to be able to access the other +[2017-06-19T13:52:25Z]tobiasvlertes-w: OK. I don't understand why, but that's your problem to solve, I suppose +[2017-06-19T16:39:32Z]bongjoviHello, if another team member has set up a new git repo with a LICENSE and README.md only, what's the best way to merge an existing repo? Don't mind about losing revision history +[2017-06-19T16:39:45Z]bongjoviJust clone, copy paste all the other files and commit? +[2017-06-19T18:52:33Z]somiajI am having trouble with github pages and trying to track down why. It was working, but now it is not working. I was told it might be a DNS issue, but my DNS points to the right spot. Also if it was a DNS issue why does the github.io address fail, fvwmorg.github.io is the page in question, it use to work. Any thoughts?
+[2017-06-22T01:41:14Z]kr1shnai have created projects page https://github.com/kr1shnas/weblog, when i click the url it does not display posts, is this normal +[2017-06-22T01:48:02Z]kr1shnafound solution, the correct url https://kr1shnas.github.io/weblog/ +[2017-06-22T03:28:02Z]AntumDelugeCan I configure a GitHub branch to track a different source? I have a project that I forked from one user, but I created a branch & merged changes from a 2nd user's fork.... +[2017-06-22T03:28:54Z]AntumDelugeThe new branch still displays the difference between it & the original project. But, when I visit the project page, I would like it to reflect differences with the 2nd fork. Is that possible? +[2017-06-22T03:29:35Z]AntumDelugeI guess it would be the same as, or similar to, configuring a local branch to track a different remote.