latest 20 messages by somiaj

+ [2017-06-30T16:35:56Z] somiaj ahh I needed 6 spaces (not 4) to get <pre class="highlighter-rogue">
+ [2017-06-30T16:32:50Z] somiaj hmm, trying to figure out why (using kramdown) code blocks are not surrounded with <pre> tags, they all seem to be surrounded by <div class="highlighter-rogue"> tags. I could make these pre blocks, but would prefer to just use pre blcoks for this (not needing syntax highlighting)
+ [2017-06-19T18:52:33Z] somiaj I am having trouble with github pages and trying to track down why. It was working, but now it is not working. I was told it might be a DNS issue, but my DNS points to the right spot. Also if it was a DNS issue why does the address fail, is the page in question, it use to work. Any thoughts?
+ [2017-05-14T19:00:52Z] somiaj I haven't used plugins yet, been looking into them. You may need to get those plugins and add those to your _plugin directory, if you don't want to install them from the system or ruby
+ [2017-05-14T18:40:32Z] somiaj hmm, I guess you could do a series of | replace: 'English', 'German' | replace: ...., for all the months, and not need a plugin
+ [2017-05-14T18:39:14Z] somiaj I don't know jekylls internals so unsure if this is achivable without the plugin.
+ [2017-05-14T18:38:14Z] somiaj
+ [2017-05-14T18:38:12Z] somiaj I found this plugin
+ [2017-05-14T18:38:10Z] somiaj hmm, maybe the locale setting is more internal ot jekyll than uses the system
+ [2017-05-14T18:37:03Z] somiaj batteur: I would think it would use your system's date to do this, what locale do you have set when generating the site?
+ [2017-05-13T15:35:54Z] somiaj thanks
+ [2017-05-13T15:08:32Z] somiaj Is it possible when running jekyll build to only have it render pages that have changed since the last build (this way if I use it with a git repo, only the changes in the commits rebuilt instead of the whole site)
+ [2017-05-13T08:03:15Z] somiaj thanks
+ [2017-05-13T08:01:08Z] somiaj know of any such plugins already written, most google hits are about mathjax or rendering in a webpage, not just producing a .pdf to be downloaded from a link.
+ [2017-05-13T07:57:17Z] somiaj I was courious, is it possible to have jekyll run pdflatex on .tex files then copy the .pdf into _site?
+ [2016-11-29T08:42:01Z] somiaj think the issue is jekyll is not using my installed version of rogue, but install the other version on my system... any tips?
+ [2016-11-29T08:41:41Z] somiaj trying to write a custom Lexer for rouge syntax highlighting. So far I have my own fork of rouge and the higlighter is working with rougify -l test filename, but using {% highlight test %} {% endhilight %} blocks in jekyll is not picking up this lexer (the standard lexers work)
+ [2016-11-10T17:27:51Z] somiaj hmm, I think I got it. Restarting jekyll serve seemd to do the trick.
+ [2016-11-10T17:19:48Z] somiaj hmm how do I check pygments is being used and not rogue. I have higlighter: pygments in _config.yml, but it isn't finding my custom lexer. I want to check that indeed pymgnets is being used and not rogue. Anyone happen to know a default language that is in pygments but not rogue?
+ [2016-11-10T07:58:21Z] somiaj when searching for info on writting a custom lexer I just found info on pygments and since I know python it wasn't to hard. I don't mind it being slower, or using pythong, just want it to work. I don't want to translte my lexer to rogue at this point.