+ [2019-03-04T18:32:30Z] bleb oh okay i found hub(1)
+ [2019-03-04T23:40:50Z] Infininj4 hey i had a question. I had a github pages, which redi
+ [2019-03-04T23:41:50Z] Infininj4 hey i had a question. I had a github pages, which redirected to my site. I can't see the "Your page is now hosted on blah blah.net" anymore, and I cant access the website? I went through the guide, can anyone tell me what I did wrong?
+ [2019-03-04T23:42:16Z] Infininj4 I think it was after i made the subdomain name
+ [2019-03-04T23:49:32Z] Infininj4 Does anyone have an idea where I messed up

message no. 170254

Posted by Infininj4 in #github at 2019-03-04T23:40:50Z

hey i had a question. I had a github pages, which redi
+ [2019-03-05T00:25:03Z] hlve So can someone tell me if cherry picking is the best way to handle a change I need to make? Basically had a dev push a large commit to master back in December, mostly to tests, but also touched another part of the application. Many other commits/merges have happened since. I basically want to undo a subset of their merge.
+ [2019-03-05T00:25:55Z] hlve Will a cherry pick reverse the commit, and pick out the changes I want to keep into a new commit?
+ [2019-03-05T00:26:14Z] hlve Or will it simply cherry pick from that commit at that point in time?
+ [2019-03-05T00:35:42Z] nedbat hlve: cherry-pick moves you forward. you might want "revert" which makes a reverse commit.
+ [2019-03-05T00:36:34Z] hlve dumb question, if I branch off master, then revert that commit, it'll keep those changes in my branch only, right?