+ [2019-03-12T18:43:53Z] sparr what is the shortest and/or most convenient path from looking at a file on the master branch to a link to that specific version of the file that won't have changed later?
+ [2019-03-12T22:17:01Z] deltab sparr: click on a line number, click "[...]", click "Copy permalink"
+ [2019-03-12T22:17:40Z] deltab you can shift-click to select multiple lines
+ [2019-03-12T23:28:53Z] sparr deltab: thanks!
+ [2019-03-12T23:29:08Z] sparr I don't even need the line numbers part of the link, but those are easy to remove

message no. 170464

Posted by sparr in #github at 2019-03-12T18:43:53Z

what is the shortest and/or most convenient path from looking at a file on the master branch to a link to that specific version of the file that won't have changed later?
+ [2019-03-13T12:14:38Z] androi hi, i have no clue about github.. doing a tutorial deploying a static website by aid of github page.. it says i have to create a repo like: username.github.io, making remote access to the repo, adding, commiting and pushing it..
+ [2019-03-13T12:15:22Z] androi afterwards i should open the webpage through that url: username.github.io, but this page doesnt exist
+ [2019-03-13T12:17:23Z] androi so i have done: 1) git init 2) git remote add origin https://github.com/user/user.github.io.git 3) git add . 4) git commit -m ".." 5) git push -u origin master
+ [2019-03-13T12:17:30Z] androi something wrong?