+[2019-03-20T14:14:00Z]canton7LiENUS, https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-pull-request-template-for-your-repository ? +[2019-03-20T14:14:26Z]LiENUSthat would likely be it, i had tried some googling and only got instructions on how to do a pull request heh +[2019-03-20T18:11:46Z]sebubagithub.io down ? +[2019-03-20T18:15:21Z]sebubagithub.io down ? +[2019-03-20T18:21:10Z]Solitonworks here.
+[2019-03-21T01:09:58Z]Bushmanhello everyone +[2019-03-21T01:10:50Z]Bushmani could not find any of my email to be associated with github account... +[2019-03-21T01:11:03Z]Bushmanso i created a new account. +[2019-03-21T01:12:16Z]Bushmannow, is there anyone here who would like to try and speculate on how the hell did GitHub get my own personal avatar auto-magically in this brand new account? +[2019-03-21T01:12:51Z]Bushmanbecause i'm both, confused and a bit scared.