+ [2019-03-24T22:10:47Z] sydbarret undo changes to pushed file?
+ [2019-03-24T22:10:56Z] sydbarret nothing changed on my file but since i delete some white spaces i accidentally pushed it
+ [2019-03-24T22:11:08Z] sydbarret how can I undo from repository?
+ [2019-03-24T22:11:16Z] sydbarret so it wont show in files changed on github

message no. 170864

Posted by sydbarret in #github at 2019-03-24T22:11:16Z

so it wont show in files changed on github
+ [2019-03-25T00:33:51Z] mekeor i hate github because i don't want to have to register/login into github in order to read the getting-started tutorial for next-js at https://nextjs.org/learn/basics/getting-started so i had to lookup the code of the tutorial at https://github.com/zeit/next-site/tree/master/learn/pages/learn/basics/getting-started and find the table-of-contents for it at https://github.com/zeit/next-site/blob/master/learn/lib/courses.js on my own.
+ [2019-03-25T00:45:25Z] nedbat mekeor: why does the tutorial need you to log in to github?
+ [2019-03-25T00:47:06Z] mekeor nedbat: there is the "login & start" buttom at the bottom of the linked site.
+ [2019-03-25T00:47:27Z] mekeor you can only view the first page of that chapter of the tutorial without logging into github.
+ [2019-03-25T00:47:33Z] nedbat mekeor: i know, but what does it do with github?