+[2019-04-02T11:36:39Z]choiceSoliton: Nice, let me check ... +[2019-04-02T11:37:42Z]choiceOk, gotta go! Cu! +[2019-04-02T12:16:54Z]gundalowFYI, if you enable branch protections, you may want to tick `Include administrators` +[2019-04-02T21:58:31Z]rindolfhi all +[2019-04-02T22:51:34Z]causasuiI'm setting up branch protection using circleci. What's the difference between "ci/circleci", "ci/circleci: Build Error", "ci/circleci: build" ?
FYI, if you enable branch protections, you may want to tick `Include administrators`
+[2019-04-03T03:05:16Z]probshi, I have a project in a github repository and it has a bunch of .cpp files with a makefile. I need to run the makefile in a terminal +[2019-04-03T03:05:28Z]probsand then the makefile should run the rest of them +[2019-04-03T03:06:38Z]probsI'm having trouble understanding the difference between git, github, gitbash, bash, github desktop, etc +[2019-04-03T03:11:25Z]probsI have already synced my repository on github desktop and can see changes I've made in commits I've done using a browser, when I open github desktop. If I have github desktop open can I go to ""repository-> open in command prompt" to use the command prompt to run the makefile? +[2019-04-03T03:41:43Z]probsis anyone up?