+ [2014-01-25T18:50:45Z] pontiki it still looks like English to me
+ [2014-01-25T18:51:36Z] raumin hmm, i edited on my webserver this file
+ [2014-01-25T19:02:17Z] raumin i edited the theme but nothing appears, everything stay in english...keep searching
+ [2014-01-25T19:19:20Z] raumin oh i just understood "if you modify in just the theme folder, you still have to install the theme" pontiki :/
+ [2014-01-25T19:19:23Z] raumin thank you

message no. 17168

Posted by kashyap_ in #octopress at 2014-01-25T09:37:55Z

Cool, this resolved it - https://github.com/imathis/octopress/issues/1138
+ [2014-01-27T12:51:31Z] davorb i'm having some issues installing octopress. what ruby am i supposed to be running? when i do bundle install, it fails when it gets to chunky_png because the c extension support is missing
+ [2014-01-27T13:34:40Z] davorb seems like i have to use 1.9.3...
+ [2014-01-27T14:23:33Z] pontiki davorb: odd...
+ [2014-01-27T14:25:54Z] pontiki chunky_png is supposed to be pure ruby
+ [2014-01-27T14:28:53Z] pontiki davorb: you are correct, though, that OP requires 1.9.3 at minimum