latest 20 messages by raumin

+ [2014-01-27T15:07:34Z] raumin for information, i installed octopress using 2.1.0
+ [2014-01-25T19:19:23Z] raumin thank you
+ [2014-01-25T19:19:20Z] raumin oh i just understood "if you modify in just the theme folder, you still have to install the theme" pontiki :/
+ [2014-01-25T19:02:17Z] raumin i edited the theme but nothing appears, everything stay in english...keep searching
+ [2014-01-25T18:51:36Z] raumin hmm, i edited on my webserver this file
+ [2014-01-25T18:49:00Z] raumin cleared cache of my navigator
+ [2014-01-25T18:48:34Z] raumin but nothing
+ [2014-01-25T18:48:31Z] raumin rake generate
+ [2014-01-25T18:48:21Z] raumin i edited the section "menu" to french
+ [2014-01-25T18:47:28Z] raumin yep, it s already intalled
+ [2014-01-25T18:46:59Z] raumin for example, the theme oct2
+ [2014-01-25T18:46:37Z] raumin i dont really understand
+ [2014-01-25T18:46:31Z] raumin i tried to modify in the theme solder, source folder the "words" but when i generate, it stay in english...
+ [2014-01-25T18:45:55Z] raumin ok
+ [2014-01-25T18:45:48Z] raumin so, i put a theme
+ [2014-01-25T18:45:32Z] raumin ok
+ [2014-01-25T18:45:30Z] raumin misunderstand
+ [2014-01-25T18:45:17Z] raumin oh ossry mistake
+ [2014-01-25T18:45:01Z] raumin etc
+ [2014-01-25T18:44:55Z] raumin yes, keywords like: Blog Archive, Recent Posts, date format