+[2019-04-20T21:49:55Z]canton7birkoff, so on the PR page itself, the "source" will become "unknown" or similar +[2019-04-20T21:50:35Z]canton7but github doesn't add any information to a commit which isn't part of git +[2019-04-20T21:51:03Z]canton7so your name + email will remain in the commits you created, which were later merged +[2019-04-20T21:53:25Z]birkoffI see +[2019-04-20T22:24:04Z]deltaband that can't change because it affects the hash of that commit, and all commits that build upon it
Anyone knows what I should do to make https work with my custom domain?
+[2019-04-21T04:42:12Z]i-make-robotswhat is the correct way to remove a file from a repo so that it never existed? I have a log file that was accidentally committed long ago. tho i put it in .gitignore it keeps tracking. I tried a few methods found on google and none have worked yet. +[2019-04-21T17:33:00Z]sdgathmani-make-robots: https://help.github.com/en/articles/removing-sensitive-data-from-a-repository +[2019-04-21T17:33:37Z]sdgathmanIf you don't mind it in history, just git rm +[2019-04-21T22:41:21Z]deltabgit rm --cached to stop tracking it while keeping it in the work tree; however if will still get overwritten if you check out an older version +[2019-04-21T22:41:29Z]deltab^it