+[2019-04-26T18:15:32Z]domeAnyone ever had issues mirroring a repo? I'm getting 2 issues, one is complaining about large files, the other is giving me a TON of pre-recieve hook declined... but the new repo doesn't have any pre-recieve hooks +[2019-04-26T18:58:06Z]amccluredome: I haven't had issues with mirroring before +[2019-04-26T18:58:24Z]amcclurehow large are the files it's complaining about? +[2019-04-26T19:54:50Z]domeamcclure thanks for the response. They were really large, I spoke to the Github Enterprise admin here and he raised the limit. He mentioned that possibly because of the limit failure the pre-commit hooks also failed because of timing? not sure, but it worked well now +[2019-04-26T20:01:55Z]amcclureat least it works now
+[2019-04-27T00:49:43Z]Wafficushi there, question regarding a git directory that no longer exists. Whenever I try git push to push my scripts directory to my GitHub, it complains that the unity directory is too large, but is no longer actually present. How can I clean the repo to remove that branch? +[2019-04-27T08:51:35Z]Karthayo! +[2019-04-27T09:17:05Z]Karthaanyone here? +[2019-04-27T09:17:14Z]Karthagit init +[2019-04-27T09:17:18Z]Karthagit add .