latest 6 messages by amcclure

+ [2019-07-01T15:00:40Z] amcclure Is there something I need to have for it to work in script?
+ [2019-07-01T15:00:16Z] amcclure file_get_contents( failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden.
+ [2019-07-01T15:00:08Z] amcclure Opening is working on web browser but not in php script
+ [2019-04-26T20:01:55Z] amcclure at least it works now
+ [2019-04-26T18:58:24Z] amcclure how large are the files it's complaining about?
+ [2019-04-26T18:58:06Z] amcclure dome: I haven't had issues with mirroring before