+ [2019-05-18T19:47:02Z] dka_ hi
+ [2019-05-18T19:49:40Z] physikoi Hey #github , how do i pull up a list of my repos that excludes forks? ty
+ [2019-05-18T19:51:00Z] physikoi You have 40 now.
+ [2019-05-18T19:51:14Z] physikoi damn it. i'm still getting used to multiple windows. sorry
+ [2019-05-18T19:56:56Z] dka_ thanks!

message no. 172370

Posted by physikoi in #github at 2019-05-18T19:51:00Z

You have 40 now.
+ [2019-05-19T02:37:17Z] crazyhorse is there a way i can post video to github?
+ [2019-05-19T02:37:22Z] crazyhorse github issue tickets
+ [2019-05-19T03:50:53Z] agile_prg can anyone please help me in gh-pages hell
+ [2019-05-19T08:13:47Z] VxJasonxV agile_prg: not with the amount of information you've provided so far
+ [2019-05-19T08:14:22Z] agile_prg I figured it out