latest 20 messages by physikoi

+ [2019-06-27T23:42:03Z] physikoi nedbat: yes, i've done so. Should have been clearer. I'm trying to setup a project website
+ [2019-06-27T23:41:07Z] physikoi hey y'all. Is there anyway to setup a project site with a branch other than master?
+ [2019-05-28T22:49:04Z] physikoi bfg it is.
+ [2019-05-28T21:26:06Z] physikoi nedbat: would you happen to know how to remove email address from entire history?
+ [2019-05-28T21:16:04Z] physikoi nedbat: thank you for pointing this out
+ [2019-05-28T21:15:50Z] physikoi nedbat: well, there you have it. wow. i had no idea. Then again, i guess there's nothing stopping someone from parsing package.json files for addresses
+ [2019-05-28T21:14:03Z] physikoi nedbat: ill check that out
+ [2019-05-28T21:12:18Z] physikoi Hey #github. Is anyone else who uses github getting spam(?) email that indicates some interest in professional collaboration based on prior contribution to some repo?
+ [2019-05-18T19:51:14Z] physikoi damn it. i'm still getting used to multiple windows. sorry
+ [2019-05-18T19:51:00Z] physikoi You have 40 now.
+ [2019-05-18T19:49:40Z] physikoi Hey #github , how do i pull up a list of my repos that excludes forks? ty
+ [2015-11-13T18:59:07Z] physikoi Zarthus: thanks for your help. #git is also on freenode?
+ [2015-11-13T18:58:54Z] physikoi oh lol haha
+ [2015-11-13T18:58:33Z] physikoi Zarthus: i'm reffering to the "untracked files" from status
+ [2015-11-13T18:57:41Z] physikoi Zarthus: what's werid is that those files are not there. Those are other git repos i've cloned, but they are in entierely different directories
+ [2015-11-13T18:56:24Z] physikoi Zarthus: bare in mind, I am not (intentially) making edits to the clone. Just meaning to keep an up-to-date clone on my machine
+ [2015-11-13T18:55:40Z] physikoi Zarthus: though, i would like to know if i'm doing something stupid
+ [2015-11-13T18:55:11Z] physikoi Zarthus: should i just wipe the slate and re-clone?
+ [2015-11-13T18:54:14Z] physikoi Zarthus: here you are:
+ [2015-11-13T18:52:44Z] physikoi Zarthus: ok.