+ [2019-07-10T22:11:56Z] JadElClemens Hey all, I'm curious about some best practices. When creating a new branch locally, is it best to base it off of a local branch or a remote branch?
+ [2019-07-10T22:12:24Z] JadElClemens In this circumstance, the branches are all synced up
+ [2019-07-10T22:12:36Z] JadElClemens or is there even a difference?
+ [2019-07-10T22:12:44Z] nedbat JadElClemens: if they are synced, there is no difference.
+ [2019-07-10T22:13:13Z] JadElClemens and if not? Does it only alter the base commit of the branch?

message no. 174166

Posted by JadElClemens in #github at 2019-07-10T22:13:13Z

and if not? Does it only alter the base commit of the branch?
+ [2019-07-11T14:06:14Z] birkoff is there a way to report an 'orphan' project?
+ [2019-07-13T17:08:03Z] tshirtman so for a test i created the tshirtman.github.io repository, and it worked, then i deleted it, and i saw i already a page there, edited long ago, under the old url scheme (when it was .github.com) so i deleted that repository too, as i don't seem to keep it up to date at all, but even with the repository deleted, the page is still up (and it's not in my browser's cache, i tried from curl as well)
+ [2019-07-13T18:54:59Z] R2robot maybe there is a batch job that does the cleanup that hasn't/hadn't run yet
+ [2019-07-13T19:32:19Z] energizer CI passed, but github says "Travis CI - Pull Request Expected — Waiting for status to be reported", stuck here forever. anybody seen this before?
+ [2019-07-14T20:02:50Z] CarlFK is there a way to search a user's wikis ?