+[2019-07-14T20:03:22Z]CarlFKor see a list of all the project with wiki +[2019-07-15T10:26:28Z]is_nullhi all, how to remove some checks in the oauth authorization page ? to remove some orgs +[2019-07-16T14:38:38Z]kezimoI would really appreciate it if you wouldn't. +[2019-07-16T14:48:45Z]vadiquehi, when I do git push, what is expected as "Username for 'https://github.com'"? +[2019-07-16T14:58:19Z]vadiqueah, I need to re-clone the repo when I'm logged in
ah, I need to re-clone the repo when I'm logged in
+[2019-07-17T01:36:29Z]snappyhow do i view my invites to an organisation - i was meant to receive an email but didn't +[2019-07-17T01:52:58Z]snappyn/m wasn't invited properly +[2019-07-17T09:34:58Z]geekodouris there any way to include other workflow files from `main.workflow` , like you can include files in Makefile ? +[2019-07-17T09:36:05Z]geekodourability to include an entire directory like nginx `conf.d` would be even better +[2019-07-18T14:19:13Z]JayDoubleuIs someone able to tell me if when I enable oAuth authorisation to organisation on GitHub (Azure devops for example). If I leave the organisation will the pipeline still have access to organisations repository or is it tight to the account itself?