+ [2019-09-08T19:23:40Z] jhass JayDoubleu: I think nothing you can set without admin/owner access to the repo in question
+ [2019-09-08T19:25:35Z] jhass so yeah, polling indeed. you should be able to fetch the dates of the releases or at least their corresponding tags, so all you need to store is the previous fetch date and then check if the release date is newer. Well, if you fetch it from the tags, the tag may have been created well before the release I guess, so that may be a special case to handle, if there's no creation date for the release
+ [2019-09-08T19:26:28Z] jhass github's API also returns you a nice header informing you when you can make your next request without breaching any rate limit
+ [2019-09-08T19:26:46Z] jhass or should rather as they also use that a bit for load control
+ [2019-09-08T21:25:51Z] mjacob jhass: after commenting on a commit, the list of commits in the pull request will show a "bubble" on that commit, but i didn't observe that the comments itself will show up anywhere in the pull request

message no. 174429

Posted by mjacob in #github at 2019-09-08T15:48:33Z

also it seems like comments on pull requests and comments on commits in pull requests are really the same thing. comments on pull requests are also shown on commits in pull requests and vice versa. what's the exact behavior?
+ [2019-09-09T04:51:28Z] pikajude hello. i'm using the `hub` tool to interact with github, but it asks for my username and password whenever i push to my repo, even though ~/.config/hub is populated
+ [2019-09-09T04:52:02Z] pikajude what could be the cause?
+ [2019-09-09T04:53:03Z] R2robot do you have ssh keys setup on github?
+ [2019-09-09T04:59:26Z] pikajude no, i use tokens + https
+ [2019-09-09T04:59:34Z] pikajude if i copy the token out of ~/.config/hub and use that at the password prompt it gives me then it works