latest 4 messages by mjacob

+ [2019-09-08T21:25:51Z] mjacob jhass: after commenting on a commit, the list of commits in the pull request will show a "bubble" on that commit, but i didn't observe that the comments itself will show up anywhere in the pull request
+ [2019-09-08T15:48:33Z] mjacob also it seems like comments on pull requests and comments on commits in pull requests are really the same thing. comments on pull requests are also shown on commits in pull requests and vice versa. what's the exact behavior?
+ [2019-09-08T15:44:54Z] mjacob it seems like comments on commits outside of pull requests are independent of comments on pull requests and comments on commits in pull requests. is this correct?
+ [2019-09-08T15:43:45Z] mjacob i'm trying to understand the difference between comments on commits, comments on pull requests, and comments on commits in pull requests