Hi, anyone needing openssl during their github action? How do you do it?
+[2019-09-11T18:12:04Z]dsagim trying to configure oauth, but i want to understand what should be the value of Authorization callback URL +[2019-09-12T02:05:35Z]jlkThat's the URL of the service you're trying to log into +[2019-09-12T02:05:53Z]jlkso if your application is https://foo.bar and you want to use GitHub to auth to it, the callback URL has to be https://foo.bar +[2019-09-12T02:05:59Z]jlkotherwise GitHub will throw you an error. +[2019-09-12T03:33:07Z]hendrywith Github actions, do I need to commit my workflow in order to test it? https://s.natalian.org/2019-09-12/1568259068_2560x1440.png