latest 8 messages by nindustries

+ [2019-12-12T14:25:38Z] nindustries I don't get deployments (yet)
+ [2019-12-12T14:25:33Z] nindustries Hi, anyone using github deployments with Actions?
+ [2019-10-28T12:01:39Z] nindustries anyone scanning docker images on github actions?
+ [2019-09-10T06:20:02Z] nindustries Hi, anyone needing openssl during their github action? How do you do it?
+ [2019-04-30T13:13:03Z] nindustries gundalow:
+ [2019-04-30T13:12:52Z] nindustries gundalow: no clue, i'm still looking at the options
+ [2019-04-30T11:11:36Z] nindustries Damn, Github + Apps can get expensive.. 2x $9 Github Teams + 2x $20 Codebeat + $26 Sentry + $0 Snyk
+ [2019-04-30T08:08:29Z] nindustries Hi, what does Github use to form the 'security updates'? Is this as good as Snyk/whitesource?