+ [2019-09-25T21:13:28Z] atrus didn't try a gc -- we tried a repack -a and that didn't help. we can work around it, but there's still a mystery of what happened l'd love to understand if anybody has an idea :)
+ [2019-09-25T21:13:36Z] atrus thanks jhass
+ [2019-09-25T22:27:48Z] g----34343 jhass: I edited removed the submodules from .gitmodules, but I still see references to them in the repo
+ [2019-09-25T22:28:47Z] g----34343 * I edited gitmodules and removed

message no. 174722

Posted by atrus in #github at 2019-09-25T20:55:42Z

Trying to help a co-worker push a repo which used to have a >100mb file. The commit that added the file has been remove, and the file replaced with a much much smaller one, that should be fine. (it's a jupyter notebook that had a very large output cell). git log confirms that there's only one commit touching the file now, and the file is nice and small, but attempting to push to github is still rejecting it as being the original size. any thoughts?
+ [2019-09-26T01:54:48Z] jtjtjt hi there, what is the best way to add someone's code file to my project?
+ [2019-09-26T01:55:07Z] jtjtjt should i click create new file and copy/paste the code from their file? or is there a better way to do it
+ [2019-09-26T01:57:57Z] R2robot i just copy the file
+ [2019-09-26T09:34:17Z] sshine is there any syntax for referring to a tag on the issue tracker from your README?
+ [2019-09-26T12:03:49Z] ThiefMaster who broke SRI on github.com? :>