+ [2019-10-10T19:14:48Z] __Myst__ Ah nevermind; this page I found says I must use a personal access token
+ [2019-10-10T20:13:04Z] DelphiWorld do github concider accessibility?
+ [2019-10-10T20:13:17Z] DelphiWorld or microsoft is making it waterified?
+ [2019-10-10T20:44:29Z] tang^ DelphiWorld: again. in english please?

message no. 174992

Posted by __Myst__ in #github at 2019-10-10T19:14:48Z

Ah nevermind; this page I found says I must use a personal access token
+ [2019-10-11T02:36:05Z] DanDare Hi. it's possible to ignore a folder with all subfolders but excluding from ignore a specific path inside the folder?
+ [2019-10-11T02:36:43Z] DanDare like .gitignore or info/exclude but with exceptions
+ [2019-10-11T02:40:00Z] DanDare hmm this seems to be https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3203228/git-ignore-exception
+ [2019-10-11T15:49:21Z] nezZario So, .. I can't find an article anywhere
+ [2019-10-11T15:49:58Z] nezZario Is there any other files github will use for a "README" other than /.github/README(.md), /docs/README(.md), or /.github/README(.md) ?