+ [2019-10-23T10:30:17Z] Soliton if you use blame there is an icon next to the line number that takes you to the previous state. in the history view i guess you can browse the repo at the earliest revision, go to the parent and navigate to the path before the rename.
+ [2019-10-23T14:00:05Z] fxfitz Does anyone know of a way to query the open Pull Requests for a given team? Or repositories assigned to a given team? :-/
+ [2019-10-23T14:19:03Z] ychaouche Thanks Soliton
+ [2019-10-23T14:34:31Z] jhass fxfitz: maybe there's a way with the graphql API, no experience there. For the REST API I don't think you'll do it with a single query, but certainly possible with combining https://developer.github.com/v3/teams/#list-team-repos and https://developer.github.com/v3/pulls/#list-pull-requests
+ [2019-10-23T14:35:52Z] jhass or https://developer.github.com/v3/issues/#list-issues-for-a-repository with assignee set respectively

message no. 175410

Posted by ychaouche in #github at 2019-10-23T10:21:26Z

how do I get the history of the file before it has been renamed ?
+ [2019-10-24T00:17:37Z] kandinski I'm having a weird effect where one of the organization repos I work on can't be found via command line git, but I can browse it on the website.
+ [2019-10-24T00:20:05Z] kandinski It's only one repo (the other one I can access fine). Another interesting thing is that the message when I run ssh -T calls me "organisation/reponame", not by my username nor by my ssh key comment email.
+ [2019-10-24T00:21:15Z] kandinski does anybody have a clue on how to debug this issue further?
+ [2019-10-24T00:50:39Z] kandinski update: a stray deploy key was being picked up by ssh after deletion of an old key
+ [2019-10-24T01:20:16Z] wizardedit is it possible to search PRs based on if they passed/failed TravisCI?