latest 6 messages by ychaouche

+ [2019-10-23T14:19:03Z] ychaouche Thanks Soliton
+ [2019-10-23T10:23:00Z] ychaouche The name was src/slash-bedrock/libexec and it has been renamed src/init/init
+ [2019-10-23T10:22:11Z] ychaouche src/slash-bedrock/libexec/init → src/init/init
+ [2019-10-23T10:21:26Z] ychaouche how do I get the history of the file before it has been renamed ?
+ [2019-10-23T10:21:09Z] ychaouche I would like to get the history of this file as far back as possible, the problem is that it has been renamed
+ [2019-10-23T10:20:26Z] ychaouche Hello #github