+ [2019-11-01T17:02:55Z] jaakkos Now the process seems to be: the user must login first (otherwise GitHub account will not exist); then they must be manually added to organization; then within 60 minutes the LDAP-sync will sync teams
+ [2019-11-01T17:05:17Z] rindolf jaakkos: this is bad and wrong bash code
+ [2019-11-01T17:06:05Z] rindolf jaakkos: joke - https://www.shlomifish.org/humour/fortunes/show.cgi?id=mjd-how-to-ask-a-good-question-1
+ [2019-11-01T17:06:45Z] rindolf jaakkos: do you know python?
+ [2019-11-01T17:07:09Z] rindolf fannagoganna: sorry tha twas for you

message no. 175597

Posted by thblt in #github at 2019-11-01T13:53:53Z

(Google isn't helping, I can't get it to understand I don't want to create a PR *from* a fork)
+ [2019-11-02T06:48:14Z] gitinfo Please use SSH to talk to remote repos. http:// and git:// are completely unsecured and http:// suffers from smart webservers trying to implement policy. You can try to do "smart" https://, but it can be troublesome to configure if you do not know how (see !web_repos for simple instructions) unless your company implements a MITM attack and prevents end-to-end crypto.
+ [2019-11-02T06:48:14Z] jim !ssh
+ [2019-11-02T06:48:41Z] jim !ssh keys
+ [2019-11-02T06:48:41Z] gitinfo Please use SSH to talk to remote repos. http:// and git:// are completely unsecured and http:// suffers from smart webservers trying to implement policy. You can try to do "smart" https://, but it can be troublesome to configure if you do not know how (see !web_repos for simple instructions) unless your company implements a MITM attack and prevents end-to-end crypto.
+ [2019-11-02T06:49:09Z] jim argh. how would I add an ssh key to my github acct?