+ [2019-11-03T18:05:27Z] gidna so I tried: git init; and then git push but it doesn't work
+ [2019-11-03T18:08:08Z] jhass I never have seen git use "doesn't work" as an error message
+ [2019-11-03T18:20:26Z] gidna error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/gioretikto/jac.git'
+ [2019-11-03T20:29:53Z] dreisner hi, noob question about actions. i'm setting up a yaml file for a CI and need to use a docker image. how do i execute the actual build+test steps in the docker container after specifying 'uses: docker://whatever' ?
+ [2019-11-03T22:17:25Z] circuitbone Try #docker if no luck in here dreisner

message no. 175637

Posted by FrankyCyborg in #github at 2019-11-03T15:25:46Z

hmm, I have again the issue, that codeload.github.com ( ) is in most cases extremely slow to load releases from.. I wonder if there is/are some mirror server(s) I can try to get decent download speeds (more than 24,5 KB/s)?
+ [2019-11-04T04:23:01Z] snappy so i wanta put a thing on the web using the github pages using a custom domain - i follow the documentation - for now i'm only setting up my apex domain and using A records, github pages commited a CNAM file with my domain, i now get a redirect loop whether i go with the github.io page or the apex domain
+ [2019-11-04T04:23:10Z] snappy i can't figure out what is going on
+ [2019-11-04T04:23:19Z] snappy apex domain has correct A records.
+ [2019-11-04T04:24:05Z] snappy my github.io 301 redirects to my apex domain, my apex domain 301 redirects to the github.io subdomain
+ [2019-11-04T04:24:34Z] snappy oh weird, sometimes it redirect loops, sometimes it displays my website.