latest 18 messages by FrankyCyborg

+ [2020-01-24T18:34:53Z] FrankyCyborg grmbl.. there is my headache again...
+ [2020-01-24T18:26:52Z] FrankyCyborg too bad that I only need it as a dependency of another software..
+ [2020-01-24T17:37:48Z] FrankyCyborg i'm wondering, if this is an issue with github (not redirecting properly to AWS, since the *dmg links work) or the project that's hosted there.. if I try to download the source code of the osxfuse project, I always get a 215 Byte tar.gz file, which is an empty directory when decompressed... ( )
+ [2019-11-03T15:25:46Z] FrankyCyborg hmm, I have again the issue, that ( ) is in most cases extremely slow to load releases from.. I wonder if there is/are some mirror server(s) I can try to get decent download speeds (more than 24,5 KB/s)?
+ [2019-10-29T18:41:22Z] FrankyCyborg abort, continue, abort, continue ... this download reminds me of the 90s and modem speeds at 14.4 KB/sec =)
+ [2019-10-29T18:35:18Z] FrankyCyborg hm, it seems Amazon or the Tiscali backbone is having issues.
+ [2019-10-29T18:27:22Z] FrankyCyborg that's why I think it's the ISP
+ [2019-10-29T18:26:44Z] FrankyCyborg I noticed slow dns lookups hours ago.. might be related
+ [2019-10-29T18:25:40Z] FrankyCyborg but with two computers in our LAN.. grmbl
+ [2019-10-29T18:23:56Z] FrankyCyborg (quite a long URL and it's not the first time, that files on github are actually hosted somewhere else, but the extreme slow speed is abnormal)
+ [2019-10-29T18:22:59Z] FrankyCyborg wget shows me, that a 302 occurs and the actual URL of the file is at ...
+ [2019-10-29T18:19:19Z] FrankyCyborg hello! if a file (in this case ) does not reside on github's server, but in this case forwards to, which is right now only downloadable for me at abnormal slow speeds (800 Bytes - 15KB) (via wget), is this the correct channel to ask/check, if it's just me or a general issue right now?