+ [2019-11-04T08:57:45Z] simplicius I receive this: https://pastebin.com/eU3hdk4E when trying to update a repo
+ [2019-11-04T09:27:15Z] simplicius why the <ul> in the README.md is not displayed well? https://github.com/gioretikto/jac
+ [2019-11-04T09:30:01Z] simplicius isn't it HTML?

message no. 175670

Posted by simplicius in #github at 2019-11-04T08:57:34Z

+ [2019-11-05T13:31:42Z] rosco_y is it better to delete branches when you are finished with them, or does it help in any way to keep them around?
+ [2019-11-05T13:33:06Z] rosco_y I've been deleting them as soon as I finish my work in them, and have merged them into my master.
+ [2019-11-05T13:33:32Z] rosco_y but I'm not sure that I'm losing some kind of flexibility by doing that.
+ [2019-11-05T13:34:22Z] rosco_y i.e., am I losing some history by deleting branches?
+ [2019-11-05T13:34:58Z] rosco_y Or is that a non-issue as the history is merged into the master?