+ [2019-11-07T21:05:29Z] diverdude git remote just returns: origin
+ [2019-11-07T21:06:10Z] tang^ oh right
+ [2019-11-07T21:06:14Z] tang^ git remote -v
+ [2019-11-07T21:35:31Z] diverdude I have forked another repo a long time ago, I want to make sure my fork is updated - how do i do that?
+ [2019-11-07T21:41:02Z] tang^ https://help.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/syncing-a-fork

message no. 175703

Posted by diverdude in #github at 2019-11-07T21:05:29Z

git remote just returns: origin
+ [2019-11-08T10:20:39Z] caveman hi - how to sync my forked clone with upstream?
+ [2019-11-08T10:23:48Z] Soliton !sync
+ [2019-11-08T10:23:49Z] gitinfo [!pull_upstream] To incorporate changes from an "upstream" or forked-from repository: git remote add upstream $URL; git fetch upstream; git merge upstream/$BRANCH. https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/
+ [2019-11-08T12:25:37Z] yabo i have a pull-request with two commits that i want to squash
+ [2019-11-08T12:26:04Z] yabo the second commit is from an accepted code suggestion