+ [2019-11-27T13:36:02Z] tykling it is a CNAME to d24z2fz21y4fag.cloudfront.net. which has no A or AAAA record
+ [2019-11-27T19:59:12Z] diverdude I have a file A which is in git repository. I have another version (B) of A which is not in git repository. B has been updated outside repository and I want to merge it back into A. How do I do that?
+ [2019-11-27T21:18:47Z] nedbat diverdude: copy B on top of A, and then do the usual add/commit etc
+ [2019-11-27T21:19:08Z] nedbat diverdude: assuming A is up to date
+ [2019-11-27T22:16:07Z] thblt Is there a Github interface for git branch --contains? I just needed this on a monster repo and a lousy connection, could I have avoided the git clone?

message no. 176160

Posted by thblt in #github at 2019-11-27T22:16:07Z

Is there a Github interface for git branch --contains? I just needed this on a monster repo and a lousy connection, could I have avoided the git clone?
+ [2019-11-29T02:15:32Z] slamtime Hi friends. My org has SSO enabled, and I'm attempting to use the github deployments API to trigger a deployment.
+ [2019-11-29T02:16:01Z] slamtime I have a webhook that listens and attempts to trigger the deploy, but I can't seem to authenticate
+ [2019-11-29T02:16:55Z] slamtime I'm github admin, but not site admin I think? Looking for a way to create/update deployments
+ [2019-11-29T02:17:20Z] slamtime 403 This API can only be accessed with username and password Basic Auth
+ [2019-11-29T02:20:01Z] slamtime this is when I attempt with a personal token from a collaborator account with admin on the repo