+[2019-11-29T12:18:07Z]kreyrenWorks locally.. +[2019-11-29T12:18:21Z]kreyreni guess some security feature affecting the behavior or something? +[2019-11-29T12:29:50Z]canton7kreyren, that lint failure is nothing to do with github actions? +[2019-11-29T21:46:39Z]kreyrencanton7, elaborate? +[2019-11-29T21:49:32Z]kreyrencanton7, notice that affected file has source for shellcheck used https://github.com/Kreyrock/Kreyrock/blob/master/src/init/init#L2
i guess some security feature affecting the behavior or something?
+[2019-11-30T09:27:19Z]kreyrenreferencing https://github.com/Kreyrock/Kreyrock/issues/2 help wanted +[2019-11-30T16:53:09Z]d33ceehmm...looks like my first task this morning is going to be remembering how I set up ssh keys etc., and moving all that to a new machine. +[2019-11-30T17:01:31Z]d33ceeprobably easier to make a new one, and more educational +[2019-11-30T19:00:10Z]kpcyrdare there any good channels if I want to talk about github workflows? +[2019-11-30T19:02:14Z]kpcyrd"on a change on master -> build the docker image and push it to docker.pkg.github.com/me/myrepo" seems like an obvious usecase but I'm having troubel finding resources on this