+ [2020-02-08T14:14:25Z] BtbN trepidacious, it will reject the push.
+ [2020-02-08T14:14:32Z] BtbN If you force it, it will overwrite whatever is there.
+ [2020-02-08T14:41:24Z] trepidacious BtbN: Ah great, so sounds like force will work fine for me. I assume that leaves any non-git stuff alone, like issues?
+ [2020-02-08T14:55:59Z] BtbN yes
+ [2020-02-08T21:26:10Z] enet hi, guys

message no. 176941

Posted by BtbN in #github at 2020-02-08T14:55:59Z

+ [2020-02-09T02:50:24Z] sickdyd Hello. Is there a way to have a default repo opening on myname.github.io?
+ [2020-02-09T03:01:36Z] R2robot Not sure what you mean
+ [2020-02-09T03:01:39Z] R2robot github pages?
+ [2020-02-09T17:44:30Z] shla hi, I'm getting 'blob upload invalid: Package "image" is already associated with another repository' - what does this mean? aren't package names repo-scoped?
+ [2020-02-09T17:50:17Z] R2robot is this a docker thing?